Cystoid Macular Edema (CME)
Cystoid Macular Edema (CME) is a condition in which the macula develops microscopic swelling, which can blur the central vision. CME most commonly develops following intraocular surgery, but may be associated with a variety of vascular conditions such as diabetic retinopathy or vascular occlusion. Treatments for CME depend on its cause. CME may be treated with medicated eye drops, injected medication, laser treatments and surgery.
Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetic retinopathy is a potentially blinding complication of diabetes that can damage the retina. This disease affects half of all Americans diagnosed with diabetes. Diabetic retinopathy occurs when tiny retinal blood vessels become damaged and begin to leak fluid or blood, resulting in blurred vision. Some patients may develop poor retinal circulation leading to abnormal blood vessel formation, which can cause intraocular bleeding, or retinal detachment. Diabetic retinopathy that is detected and treated early has the best prognosis. Careful blood glucose control is important. The doctors at Eye Surgery Associates will work closely with your doctor to manage and monitor your diabetes.
Epiretinal Membranes (Macular Puckers)
An epiretinal membrane, commonly called a macular pucker, is a thin film-like covering that can develop over the central retina known as the macula. This area of the retina is responsible for your clear central vision. Epiretinal membranes may lead to blurry or distorted vision. Some epiretinal membranes require vitrectomy surgery with removal of the membrane for improvement of vision. The Retinal Specialists at Eye Surgery Associates have extensive experience in all areas of vitreoretinal surgery.
Flashes and Floaters – Posterior Vitreous Detachments
Flashes of light and floaters in the field of vision occur in healthy people, but may also be a sign of serious problems. If flashes occur suddenly, it may be a sign that the retina is torn. In this case, you should contact your doctor immediately.
Floaters, usually due to a posterior vitreous detachment, are caused by particles that are floating in the vitreous gel and cast shadows on the retina. Floaters may naturally appear with increasing age. However, if floaters occur suddenly, it may be a sign that the retina is torn. You should contact your doctor immediately if you experience such sudden symptoms.
Macular Degeneration
Macular degeneration is one of the most common eye diseases treated by the doctors at Eye Surgery Associates. Macular degeneration is associated with aging. It can destroy sharp central vision and is the leading cause of legal blindness among people over the age of 50 in the western world.
In some individuals, tiny dot-like deposits, known as drusen, slowly accumulate beneath the macula. While these deposits usually do not cause visual loss directly, they indicate that a person is at risk for developing further problems with the macula. Atrophic or thin areas can develop in the macula, which can lead to visual loss in the ìdryî form of macular degeneration. In some patients, abnormal blood vessels may develop under the macula leading to the ìwetî form of macular degeneration. If these vessels can be identified at an early stage, it may be possible to seal them with a laser treatment, injection of new medications developed for wet macular degeneration or other treatments. If you notice any new distortion or visual changes, it is critical to contact your eye care provider immediately.
Macular Holes
Macular holes are just that, holes in the macula. The macula is the central portion of the retina that is responsible for seeing fine details clearly. Macular holes involve cellophane-like wrinkling of the macula. If the wrinkling is especially severe, it can stretch the macula and cause a hole to form. Many macular holes are treatable with vitrectomy surgery.
Retinal Tears and Detachment
Retinal tears and detachment occur when the vitreous, a clear jelly-like substance that fills the eye, pulls from the retina and causes the retina to tear. Liquid that passes through the tear and settles under the retina results in separation of the retina from the back wall of the eye. The condition is termed a retinal detachment. An untreated detached retina usually causes blindness.
You should contact your doctor as soon as you develop the symptoms of retinal detachment. Symptoms include seeing flashing lights, new floaters, or a gray curtain move across your field of vision. The ophthalmologists at Eye Surgery Associates have expertise in the surgery techniques used to secure a detached or torn retina
Retinal Vascular Disease
Retinal vascular diseases are common in people with high blood pressure, diabetes, and other factors that cause vascular disease throughout the body, such as increasing age, high cholesterol, smoking, and hypertension. Retinal vascular diseases include retinal arterial macro aneurysm, retinal branch and central artery and vein occlusion, diabetic retinopathy, and ocular ischemic syndrome. In simple terms, these are conditions that can restrict the blood flow throughout your eye structures and lead to vision loss or blindness. As a patient of Eye Surgery Associates, you will benefit from our doctor’s expertise and from our state-of-the-art diagnostic capabilities. Our doctors can help manage your eye condition, and we will work closely with your primary care physician as well.
Avastin and Lucentis are a treatment options for age-related macular degeneration and retinal vascular diseases. These agents work to block the growth of new blood vessels that may leak and contribute to vision problems. They are injectable medications that block the effects of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor, (VEGF) which is responsible for the growth of new blood vessels in the eye. VEGF is implicated in the development and progression of wet macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, and macular edema. VEGF promotes the growth of new abnormal blood vessels and increases the permeability of existing vessels leading to leakage. By blocking VEGF, Avastin and Lucentis can, in some cases, improve outcomes in patients with a broad variety of retinal and macular diseases.
Correcting Cataract Surgery Complications- Retained Lens Material
In some cases, a cataract cannot be removed completely and some of the lens material remains in the eye. If the amount of retained lens material is small, it may dissolve spontaneously. If there is a large amount of lens material, elevated pressure, or severe inflammation, a second procedure, called a vitrectomy, can remove the lens material and help restore vision. Vitrectomy surgery for retained lens material and other complications of cataract surgery is one of the most commonly performed procedures by the physicians of Eye Surgery Associates.
Scleral Buckle
Scleral buckle is a treatment procedure to repair a detached retina. It involves securing a thin band of silicone around the sclera, the white part of your eye. Buckles are placed to create a dimple. The procedure moves the tissues in the eye closer together and releases fluid under the retina, causing the retina to reattach. Scleral buckles are performed with local or general anesthesia. They are most frequently performed as outpatient procedures.
A vitrectomy is an outpatient surgical procedure that is used as a treatment for many eye conditions, including macular hole, macular pucker, diabetic retinopathy, macular edema, vitreous hemorrhage, neovascularization, uveitis, and macular degeneration. A vitrectomy involves removing the vitreous gel from the inside of the eye. The vitreous may be replaced with an air bubble or silicone oil to promote healing and protect the retina. The Retina Specialists at Eye Surgery Associates are experts at state-of-the-art vitrectomy procedures.