
Glaucoma is a disease that results in vision loss due to optic nerve damage, usually because of high pressure inside the eye. It can occur in younger individuals, but it becomes increasingly common as we age.
Our doctors have extensive experience with the diagnosis and treatment of this disease. We are equipped with the best available technology for diagnosis. This includes the latest equipment to test peripheral vision and to measure eye pressure and blood flow. Each location also has a scanning laser imaging device used to analyze the optic nerve on a microscopic level, not possible to appreciate with standard examination or photography. If you are diagnosed with this disease, we are able to offer the most advanced medical, laser, and surgical treatments available.
Frequently asked questions:
How is glaucoma detected?
Usually the patient has no symptoms until the late stages of the disease. The diagnosis is most often made during a routine eye exam, which is one reason why routine exams are so important. If examination shows the possibility of glaucoma, some of the testing mentioned above may be done to determine if there is a problem. The testing is non-invasive and painless.
Who is most at risk for glaucoma?
While glaucoma can occur at any age, it is most common in those over age 60, those with a history of glaucoma in a parent or sibling, those who are very nearsighted or farsighted, and people who are of African descent.
Can glaucoma be cured or treated?
This is a common source of confusion. Glaucoma is a chronic disease which means that it usually cannot be cured with a single treatment or a short term treatment. However, glaucoma can be treated and monitored in order to prevent vision loss from occurring or from worsening. Early detection is very important because any damage that has occurred prior to diagnosis is not reversible. With proper medical care and participation from the patient, additional vision loss can usually be prevented. Treatment is usually in the form of eye drops, but in some cases laser treatment or operating room surgery may be advised.
Are there different types of glaucoma?
There are many types of glaucoma, but the disease can be broken up into two broad categories. Open angle glaucoma is the more common form in which the drain of the eye is open but does not function well. Angle closure glaucoma is a less common form in which the drain of the eye becomes blocked by other structures that are present in the eye. In this type of glaucoma, laser therapy is almost always performed and eye drops or surgery may also be needed.